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Facebook Facts
- You can’t block Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook.
- Mark Zuckerberg receives US$1 salary as CEO of Facebook.
- In Every minute there are 1.8 million new Likes on Facebook.
- The Like button was originally going to be called awesome on Facebook.
- Facebook tracks which site you have visited even after you have log out from the Facebook.
- Average US user spends 40 minutes a day on Facebook.
- On Facebook 8.7% user are fake.
- Several photos and videos are uploaded on Facebook via mobile that it takes up 27% of upstream web traffic.
- 600000 hacking attempts are made regularly on Facebook every day.
- Smart phone users check Facebook on an average 14 times a day.
- Several people have been murdered for unfriending someone on Facebook.
- About 30 million dead people profiles are on Facebook.
- Facebook is primarily blue because Mark Zuckerberg suffers red green color blindness.
- 1 in every 14 people on earth is on Facebook.
- 1 in 3 feels more dissatisfied with their lives after vising Facebook according to a study.
- More than 650 million users online.
- Average user has 130 friends.
- More than 70 translations are available on this site.
- 1587000 wall posts are written on timeline in 20 minutes.
- People on Facebook install 20 million applications everyday.